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Deep South Conference Mentone 2025.jpg
Practical Herbal Medicine
May 2 - 4, 2025
Cost: $250

Moon Lake Village

Mentone, Al 35984

Contact for more info:

Deep South Herbal Conference 

"Return To The Roots of Natural Health"

Join us for a weekend of herbal discovery as we "Grow our Health" at Historic Moon Lake Village, high atop Lookout Mounain in the Southern Appalachians.
Located in the picturesque town of Mentone, on historic Lookout Mountain, Our location offers an amazing variety of places to hike and enjoy nature in a laid back environment. 
Come and learn from a great variety of speakers such as Darryl Patton, Maggie Baker Conklin, Suzanne Shires, Matt St.John, and other great herbal educators. With hands-on intensives, lectures, wild food tastings and herb walks, you will be sure to have  a great time reconnecting with nature and learning about the Roots of Natural Medicine. 
Our Spring conference this year will have a special emphasis on herbs and alternative medicine for the home and homestead. Whether it is preparation for a Grid down world, natural disaster or simply a desire to be self-sufficient, this is the conference for you!
Registration begins promptly at 8:00 Friday morning and is open until 9:00. We will then go into a short general session  and classes will begin. A schedule will be posted in the main conference hall.  All classes at this conference will consist of intensives and last between 2 - 3 hours. Intensives on Saturday will begin after the general session on Saturday and at 8:00 A.M. on Sunday. We will do our best as usual to arrange the schedule so participants can attend as many if not all intensives.
Please be respectful of others and if you have ANY symptoms of covid, the common cold, flu or anything resembling a respiratory issues, stay home and you will receive credit towards the next conference.
All activities end by 5 p.m. each day but there will be an extra session or two offered in the evening by a couple of the speakers who have volunteered to do so. On Saturday, we are planning on having music that evening. If you are musically inclined, feel free to bring your instrument and talent!
All meals and lodging are the responsibility of the participants. There are many B&B's and campgrounds in the area as well as hotels in nearby Fort Payne. 
Spring weather should be beautiful in Mentone with decent chances of rain and the typical Alabama heat not being as bad due to the altitude.
Meals: Mentone has several nice places to eat and we will also offer light pick-up foods and beverages. Wild food samplings will be offered including several wild foraged foods such as Ramps, Nettles, Mushrooms etc.....
The Hatter restaurant will be bringing lunch each day via pre-order and will have biscuits in the morning. 
There will be a bucket set out for "Love Offerings" should anyone wish to contribute towards the cost of the food/paper goods but all are welcome to enjoy the  snacks provided without any obligation.
I look forward to seeing you there. Bring a notebook/pen as we have a lot of presenters and there will be much information given. I am working on video taping all of the presentations and will offer a virtual conference soon for those who are unable to attend our annual conference.
See you there!

Please Note: This is a politics free event. Anyone engaging in disruptive behavior related to politics will be asked to leave and will not receive a refund. This conference is for participants to reconnect with the land and our first love of using plants and alternative medicine to help our loved ones and others.
NOTE: Since some of the classes are held in the old gymnasium, please bring a soft footed camping chair to sit in if you prefer not to sit on bleachers. Classes held in the Bill Berry room are equiped with comfortable seating.
The speaker list below is tentative and we plan on adding a few more as they are confirmed. .
Please note that if you have any difficulties registering, you may send your fee directly to me at via paypal or to: P.O. Box 8481 Gadsden, Al 35902.


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